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12 things you’ve always worried aren’t normal about your body (but are actually common)

These 14 things below are some of women’s biggest worries and questions about their bodies.

1. Peeing frequently

Many women worry urinating frequently is a sign of diabetes (because it can be), but if there are no other symptoms to go along with it, you’re probably fine. If you drink a lot of water, you’re probably going to pee a lot.

2. Facial hair

Do you secretly wax or shave your lady stache? You’re not alone. It’s currently a social taboo to admit that many women have facial hair, but don’t think you’re alone in dealing with it.

3. Toe hair

Yeah, you’re definitely not the only one with this.

4. Discharge

Discharge from your v**ina is healthy and normal, according to WebMD. It helps prevent infection down there. The color, consistency and smell can vary depending where you’re at in your menstrual cycle.

5. Earwax

Here’s the thing – everybody has it. Most people don’t need to clean it out because your body naturally takes care of it, but most people want to clean it out anyways. Doctors recommend you never clean them out on your own, but if you must, gently clean them out with a Q-tip (no pushing!) and only right after you shower.

6. Acne as an adult

People talk about acne like it’s a teenager ailment, but … it’s just not. Acne often gets worse as your body matures. If you’re confused why your face still seems to think you’re 13, at least get some comfort in knowing the rest of us are all wondering the same thing.

7. Bumps “down there”

There are several explanations for bumps you might find on your vulva. “Most of them are NOT contagious, NOT life threatening, and NOT STDs,” wrote Dr. Charlotte Grayson, an internist and Health Central writer. Many of these are cysts, which come from a blocked skin gland.

8. Asymmetrical body parts

Are your br**sts different sizes and even possibly different shapes? Don’t let that worry you. Just like the sides of your face aren’t symmetrical, neither are your br**sts. It’s completely normal.

9. Lumps in your chest

Speaking of br**sts, you don’t have to panic every time you feel a lump in your br**sts. While you should definitely be taking precautions for chest cancer by getting mammograms and monthly self exams, most women get lumps that are not cancerous. Only a doctor can tell you for sure, but if you’re regularly getting a mammogram, a lump will be spotted long before you can even feel it.

10. Tiny bumps on your arms or legs

Some people call it chicken skin, but it’s real name is keratosis pilaris. Many people have it. It’s caused by your follicles getting clogged and won’t naturally exfoliate. Although you can’t completely get rid of it, gentle exfoliation can help. (It was once believed a hard exfoliation was better, but this only agitates the skin.)

11. Back pain when you’re on your period (or just because)

Unfortunately, this is just part of the womanhood terrain. Contractions in your uterus cause back pain, which is why you often feel that lower ache when you’re on your period or ovulating.

12. Extra bosoms

This isn’t super common, but it is possible and you shouldn’t freak out if you have it. According to the BBC, both men and women can develop extra bosoms along any area in the mammary line, which stretches from the armpits to the chest and down towards the stomach to the upper thighs and groin.

13. Cellulite

Don’t let anyone fool you – cellulite is the norm, not the exception. About 90 percent of women have some level of cellulite – even those who are very thin.
“I even treat Victoria’s Secret models,” Shira Ein-Dor, owner of the American Cellulite Reduction Center told “They’re very lean, they work out and eat well, they do everything right but they still have cellulite.”

14. Hip dip

It’s become a trend in the past few years to try to get rid of the hip dip, that slight inward curve on the upper thighs.

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