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Kanye West Apparently Paid His ‘Dirty’ Cousin $250K To Stop Se*x Tape Leak

Remember those song lyrics about Kanye West’s “dirty motherfuc*ker” of a cousin who stole his laptop? They just might be true after all.

On Kanye’s song “No More Parties in LA” off of his seventh studio album “The Life of Pablo,” West raps, And as far as real friends, tell all my cousins I love ’em, Even the one that stole the laptop, you dirty motherfuc*ker”
Yeezy didn’t stop there either. Kanye mentioned his cousin again on a song titled “Real Friends.” He raps, I had a cousin that stole my laptop that I was fuc*kin’ bitches on, Paid that nigga 250-thousand just to get it from him”…
It turns out Kanye was most likely telling the truth about his stolen laptop and his kleptomaniac of a “dirty” cousin.

According to, Kanye West’s cousin Lawrence Franklin has come forward to address the stolen laptop during a recent interview.

Franklin told reporters, “I was at my aunt’s house when the family member who had the laptop called me, a friend of his, and my uncle to the kitchen where he opened the laptop to show a video of Kanye in clear view having se*x with a fair-skinned black woman.” Franklin then goes on to state he didn’t necessarily steal the laptop back in 2012. He says Kanye actually gave it away as a generous gift to a family member. At one point, another relative got their hands on the device and found a se*x tape featuring Kanye on it.

Keep in mind, 2012 was the same year Kanye began seriously dating his now-wife Kim Kardashian. Kanye’s cousin Lawrence Franklin goes on to say the other family member who had gotten their hands on the se*x tape received $250,000 from Kanye after threatening to release it to the public. Um, that’s extortion. The family member got this money and started to buy himself a lifestyle he dreamed about. Franklin continued his tell-all interview on the matter by saying the infamous se*x tape incident Kanye has mentioned numerous times in his recent songs is what caused Kanye to stop “trusting people.”

He added, The se*x tape episode started his decline — he stopped trusting people. At the end of the day, if a member of your family had taken you for a quarter of a million dollars — so they can complete their own ambitions — who can you trust within your circle? So, it sounds like Lawrence Franklin wasn’t exactly the “dirty motherfuc*ker” of a cousin Kanye West was referring to — that’d be another one of Kanye’s cousins. My head hurts.
The lesson learned here is actually quite simple: Don’t give away used laptops to your family members — especially if you’re a world-famous superstar worth millions of dollars… Just get them a gift card to the Apple store!

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