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Five Foods That Can Have a Powerful Impact On Your Health

It seems like there is a pill that can cure virtually any ailment. What many people don’t realize is that synthetic medications can often be replaced with foods that are commonly available at your local grocer. If you’re suffering from any minor health problems, simply adding one of these inexpensive foods may be just what the doctor ordered.

1. Bok Choy

If you’re on a calorie restrictive diet, getting all of your essential nutrients can be a challenge. Fortunately, bok choy may be the perfect solution. This leafy plant is part of the cruciferous vegetable family. It’s closely related to kale, broccoli, and cabbage. Only a single cup of bok choy contains 64% of your daily vitamin K, 59% of your vitamin C, 40% of your vitamin A, and several other important micronutrients. It’s also an essential source of calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, iron, and fiber. A huge portion of our health problems is caused by a lack of these nutrients. Selecting foods that are nutrient rich can leave you feeling better all around.

2. Cinnamon

Chances are; you’ve never considered a cinnamon bun or a caramel macchiato a particularly healthy choice. But cinnamon itself has some incredible health benefits that simply cannot be ignored. It’s an extremely effective antioxidant. This prevents your cells from being damaged by oxygen molecules that have been exposed to free radicals within our body. Regularly taking antioxidants can prevent heart disease and mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, antioxidants have been proven to reduce many of the effects of aging such as visual degradation, wrinkles, and memory loss.

3. Chickpeas

Diabetes is a major health problem in today’s society. It is caused by high blood sugar levels and resistance to insulin. Even if you have a diet high in sugars, chickpeas can help prevent diabetes. They help to even out your insulin levels, and transport sugars all over your body. This prevents the unnatural blood sugar spikes that can cause diabetes and the reciprocal insulin spikes that can cause cravings for more sugar.

4. Potatoes

Just like tomatoes and eggplants, potatoes are part of the nightshade family. They are one of the cheapest foods to produce, and can have a major impact on your health. They are high in iron, phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium, all of which help to maintain bone structure. Potatoes aren’t the only foods that contain these minerals. However, it is extremely important to maintain a proper balance between them. Too much phosphorus and too little calcium, or vice versa, can result in bone loss. Fortunately, potatoes contain the perfect balance for our bodies.
The potassium they contain also helps to improve vasodilation – widening of the blood vessels. This can reduce blood pressure and promote heart health. It’s important to remember, however, that high levels of sodium can counteract these effects. While potatoes are regularly used in junk foods such as fries or chips, these snacks will not allow you to take full advantage of all the health benefits potatoes can offer.

5. Tofu

Tofu is a popular food made from soybean curds. It’s extremely popular with vegetarians and vegans as it is so high in protein. Even if you still enjoy the occasional steak, tofu is a fantastic food to add to your diet. Most protein containing foods are chock full of cholesterol. High cholesterol levels are common and can lead to high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. These problems are very difficult to reverse, so it’s important to watch your cholesterol intake while you are still healthy.
Tofu absorbs the flavor of anything it’s cooked with. Simply fry some up with little vegetables or chicken and you’ll be able to double your protein intake while cutting your cholesterol levels in half.

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