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8 Signs You Should Drink Turmeric Milk For Better Health

Turmeric milk – also called golden milk or haldi ka doodh in its native India, is a beverage that has been drunk for its health benefits for thousands of years all over southeast Asia. Fortunately, people in the West are now beginning to discover this amazing drink that is not only delicious but can help with an array of health problems. Read on to find out more about the health benefits of golden milk.

1. You Suffer from Joint Pain and Stiffness

Rheumatoid or osteoarthritis and similar joint diseases affect millions of Americans of all ages and can seriously impact your ability to do housework, hold a job, run errands and do other things that need to be done in day-to-day life. But because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric milk can help to reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase your mobility.

2. You Catch Colds and Flus Frequently

If you find yourself catching colds and flus frequently or constantly getting coughs or sniffles, chances are your immune system might not be as strong as it should be. But turmeric milk can help with this as well. Its antioxidant properties help your body to better fight off the bacteria and viruses that cause infections.

3. You Have Regular Bouts of Indigestion

Stress, long hours and too much convenience food can make for frequent bouts of heartburn, GERD and other forms of indigestion, which can lead to chronic pain and discomfort and even do permanent damage to the digestive system over time. However, the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can also help to settle and soothe an upset stomach naturally.

4. You Have Risk Factors for Heart Disease

High blood pressure and cholesterol levels and high levels of stress can set the stage for heart attacks or other forms of heart disease, which remains a leading killer not only in the US but around the world. Turmeric is great for heart health because of its blood-thinning properties (which reduce the risk of a heart attack) and because its antioxidant capacity reduces the risk of heart attacks.

5. You Suffer from Chronic Pain

Chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia make life difficult for people all over the world and can seriously impact their quality of life.  But turmeric has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and has even been called “natural aspirin” because of its affect on the body. It is a great natural alternative to prescription pain killers which can bring a whole array of side affects.

6. You are at Risk for Cancer

Cancer is a worry for many people, particularly if they have risk factors for this disease such as a family history or a history of smoking or a poor diet and lack of exercise. However, cancer risk can be reduced by healthy lifestyle choices like weight loss, smoking cessation or the regular use of turmeric milk. Turmeric’s strong antioxidant properties protect the body’s cells from DNA changes that can eventually lead to this disease.

7. You Have Liver Disease

Liver disease – like cirrhosis – can affect the whole body since it is such as important organ, detoxifying the body and removing unwanted wastes as well as doing things like keeping blood sugar levels steady. Turmeric is well-known for being one of the best spices to support healthy liver function.

8. You Have Brittle Bones

As they get older, both men and women are at greater risk for osteoporosis, a disease which weakens your bones and puts you at a greater risk for fractures. However, because this drink is so high in calcium, it can help to keep your bones strong and prevent this disease from happening.

How to Make Your Own Turmeric Milk

The good news is that making your own turmeric milk is easy to do – and you can probably make it with ingredients you already have around the home. While there are hundreds of variations of turmeric milk recipes, this one, taken from, is a great one to get you started.
1/4 tsp. turmeric
1/4 tsp. cardamom
1/8 tsp black pepper
1 pinch ground ginger
1 pinch ground cloves
1 pinch ground allspice
1 cup milk
3/4 tsp. honey
1/8 tsp. vanilla
Whisk the spices into the cold milk until well-blended, then warm in a pan over medium heat until the desired temperature. Strain, add the honey and enjoy!

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