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Three {3} Types Of Women You Should Never Date Or Marry

If you want to have a successful relationship or marriage, there are some kinds of girls you should not get involved with. When you realize that you are dating one of these women – it is better to leave to save your sanity, time and money.
1. She is a liar:
This girl can be extremely charming and intelligent. At first you wouldn’t realize that she is lying. She can tell you tales which never happened just to impress you. And some time later she just starts lying to you for no reasons. If you catch her, she would try to convince you with another lie. And then confess to you that she lied. And because of your love, you keep forgiving her. But you should better not allow a chronic liar to ruin your life.
2. Money lover:
She is a nightmare of all Nigerian men. She is addicted to buying whatever she wants and whatever she thinks looks good. These girls are rarely satisfied, and continue to look for new perfumes, jewelry or clothes. Her biggest aim is to have a huge wardrobe. Or to look like some Nollywood star. She can’t stop buying even if you are not earning enough for her. It is her habit. So she will date any man who can pay her. If you can’t, she will easily dump you for someone richer.
3. Lazy girl:
There is nothing wrong with her health. But her favorite hobby is lying on her back and watching TV. She hates to do any chores. This girl hunts for a man who will become her ‘guarding angel’ and will ‘protect’ her. So she will let you to get very close to her, just to turn you into her slave. If she does not change with time – she is surely not your partner. It is better to leave her behind, because she will drain you.  So, dear guys, you should better watch out for girls of these types of girls. And you, ladies, avoid being the girl on this list if you want some trusting, caring and lasting relationships. Respect your man and be proud of him.

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