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Five (5) Reasons Why Pretty Girls Are Still Single

There are countless articles, theories, and ideas that all attempt to answer the mystery of why in the world “hot” girls are also, (gasp), single girls. Like most things in life, there are no clear answers for this enigma. Although we cannot place any serious theories into this unsolvable question, we do however happen to have in depth personal experience with this one. Not to brag, but we have some amazing girlfriends! We are surrounded by girls who are not only gorgeous but also smart, witty, sarcastic, real, and down to earth. They have it all, and no we aren’t biased when we say pretty — we mean like really pretty; hell, one of our besties is a former Miss Tennessee!
These girls thrive in their careers, are loyal friends, and have huge senses of self worth. And yes, these girls find themselves constantly on the receiving end of the world’s most annoying question; “how are you single?” We’ve noticed that out of all of our fabulously manicured and truly enjoyable girlfriends, there are a disturbing amount that are completely single . . . as in; no consistent text flirtations, no joe schmo to call on a lonely night, no pending date invitations, no “drinks sent over” meet and greets . . . Their love lives are filled with zilch, nothing!

But, why why WHY are these awesome and hot girls still on the market with no signs of being swooped up anytime soon? We can only speculate but our ideas are these, and they all center around the who this “hot” girl is.

1. She’s grown out of “dating for the sake of dating.”

These girls are not into wasting their time or energy on a guy they really can’t see themselves being with long term. Casual dates just seem like a waste of time. It doesn’t mean she isn’t interested in dating, she’s just not interested in attending ONE more mediocre date. Mediocre dates happen solely for the sake of going on a date. This is a concept that has grown tired on her. She would rather have a good gym sesh, some pinot noir, a face mask, and bed by 9 p.m. than participate in a forced date. She’s become picky, but if someone worthwhile came along, she would be on a date in a heartbeat!

2. She’s not into meaningless s-3x.

As much as we all try and dance around this topic, our generation is known to have casual s3x with “no strings attached.” She does not confuse “dating” with “hooking up.” A “hot but single” girl has been there and done that with the A-holes who just want a$$. She is not going to be down for this guy. To her, nothing is worse than being reminded of the losers from her past by a sub-par hookup and zero follow through on a guys part. s3x is better with someone she has feelings for, and she’s willing to wait for that.

3. She’s not looking to fill a void.

As young adults, we are innately forced to focus on a few key areas of life. This list normally includes: career, family, health, romantic relationships, and friends. What if this “hot but single” girl is killing it in every area other than dating? Is she really going to feel a huge glaring void in her life? The answer is no. A woman, hot or not, who has a complete life isn’t going to succumb to the throes of dating desperation to find the one thing she’s missing. She’s too pretty, busy and happy to force it with the next guy who comes along just to place a checkmark next to her romantic life.

4. She seems to have it all.

The following statement may be controversial, but it’s also true . . . guys are NOT idiots. When a guy meets this “hot but single” that has her sh*t so together, he knows she is wife material. He can’t find a laundry list of reasons to give her the fade away after two weeks. She has beauty, brains and a glowing personality to boot. Dating what could be a future wife can scare the living crap out of a guy. It forces the issue of whether he wants commitment anytime soon, or at all. So, unfortunately for this hot single girl, most of the guys she’s dating aren’t ready for this, so they feel forced to call it quits before it begins. They see the situation for what it is and bail wishing they could cross her path in fiveish years.

5. She knows exactly what she wants.

This hottie hot hot singleton has dated around enough to have learned from her past and identify specifically what she wants in her long term bae. She is sick and tired of making exceptions for losers that live with their moms, but are “really driven.” She is looking for someone as independent, successful, and as happy as she is! Her list of non-negotiables is rock solid, and she knows better than to waste her time on a dude who doesn’t match what she wants. She refuses to settle for just anyone.
Our best stab at this ever pressing mystery of “how are hot but single girls, hot but single?” lies in all of the aforementioned combined. A hot girl can be perfectly content being single right now, and in fact, she chooses it! There is nothing wrong with a girl who has her life by the reins and is holding out for a man that can keep up with her. Consider this a mild PSA to halt the question, “how are you single?” the next time it comes to mind. The girl who could receive this question is aware of her single status, and she is doing just fine with it!

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